Cyndi Targosz is a celebrity image consultant, motivational speaker , certified lifestyle
counselor and relationship advisor who specializes in balancing life, stress management, fitness, fashion, beauty, weight management, and more. As president of STARGLOW Productions, Inc., her programs reach corporations and organizations, private individuals or small groups and the commercial mass market. Targosz is an audio/video star and spokesperson for the American Cancer Society. She has gathered accolades from her head to her toes. Cyndi recently was named "One of the World's Top Fitness Pros" by Diet & Exercise Magazine! She was also profiled in a cover story by the Daily News, extolling her
M.B.S. SYSTEM™ (Mind, Body, Spirit). The programs in this system have helped thousands of people to cope emotionally and physically!
Cyndi is the bestselling author of
Dating The Younger Man, Ten Minute
Tone-ups for Dummies, Erase Your Waist, Your Best Bust and The Only Diet Book
You'll Ever Need. Her new
Cyndi's Secrets™ DVD Fitness Seriesfeatures
a fun and effective collection of Two Minute Toners. She writes the Cyndi's
Secrets blog for the Detroit Free Press. Cyndi also has two top-selling videos to her credit, "BEST BUST" and "THE 29-MINUTE TUMMY TONER" plus a recently re-released CD "DRIVE TO FITNESS".
Lifestyle counselor Cyndi Targosz is at the top of her form! She already has a tremendous built-in viewership following the
500,000 plus video's sold (which are still selling) as well as multiple audio's, celebrity guest appearances, magazine and newspaper articles, and numerous TV and radio appearances. ("Good Morning America," "Fit TV," NBC News, "Donahue," "Mike & Maty," Joan Rivers, To tell the truth etc.)

The best exponent of her own philosophy, that a complete woman integrates wellness of mind, body and spirit to be the best person she can be, Targosz is a high-powered business woman. She couples running her firm STARGLOW Productions, Inc. with creating and marketing her products & services with grace, style and charm. A high spirited, lithe, lovely, intelligent, articulate blond beauty, Targosz has utilized her background as an actress, dancer, radio interviewer and model in her climb to be a leader in the field of total wellness. While studying at Wayne State University in Detroit for a degree in Speech Pathology (with a minor in anatomy and physiology) Cyndi helped to support herself by teaching health & fitness classes, which had already become an integral part of her life. She also did extensive acting and modeling and even sang with a Detroit trio, "The Singing Dolls."

Upon graduating from college, Targosz began juggling several jobs at the same time. She accepted a position with PROJECT TALK (Teaching Aurally Limited Kids), a Federal Grant program for instructors of the hearing impaired. She also signed on as a traffic reporter for WNIC Radio (based in her home- town of Detroit). While at the station she began doing character voices on the air which led to a great deal of outside voice-over work. Acting jobs in corporate films followed as well as parts in TV and radio commercials and in theatrical productions. Cyndi traveled with the national auto show circuit as a narrator/model. Her most frequently asked question was "Do you come with the car?" Her curvy figure made her a natural for modeling body parts (buns, hands, feet, upper body). In fact she became famous for her long lean legs which were often used for shoe and leg modeling.
All this attention to Cyndi's looks made her long to share her "real" secrets about beauty, which she confesses although genetically blessed, ultimately comes from within. Targosz knew she was more than a pretty face. She had a strong desire to help people realize that they could think, look, and feel their personal best no matter what their size. While teaching private clients and working at major health studios, Cyndi formed her own ideas about being fit,.how her own material would couple exercise with body image and stress-relieving techniques. That combined with her knowledge of beauty and fashion savvy has made numerous clients clamor for her advice. These same techniques are a part of every video and audio her firm puts out.

Now a lifestyle counselor with impressive credentials Targosz is a Master IDEA member, certified by the American Council on Exercise, AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) and the AALC (American Association of Lifestyle Counselors). Cyndi has offices in both Detroit and Los Angeles.
Targosz is one of the first lifestyle leaders to create corporate wellness programs. Pacific Bell, one of Southern California's largest and most influential corporations has utilized the services of Targosz and her knowledgeable staff since 1991. Others include Kaiser Permanente, Volkswagen of America, The Musicland Group, Sam Goody and many more. She also has worked as a lifestyle consultant for Pure Beauty, a chain of over 38 beauty supply - full service salons across America. As word has spread about her programs other firms are showing great interest in Targosz' ideas. They look at these programs as a way to increase productivity and cut ever-growing health-care costs.

Cyndi believes in giving back. Her "Kids Kick into ConfidenceT" program has been a hit with the Girl Scouts of America. She also gives body image / self esteem workshops to high school students. Her awards have been plenty-including a plaque for her work with the YWCA involving ways to promote nonviolent behavior in children.
Targosz knows how to write and create product & services that cuts across demographic lines. That combined with her charismatic personality is one of the reasons her programs have such wide appeal to young and old alike. Cyndi has a sixth sense of what
really works.

One of the most important contributions Cyndi has made to women's total health is stressing the importance and urgency of breast self-examination. Targosz has been lauded by the American Cancer Society for this accomplishment. During many of her personal appearances, Cyndi has given out sheets with examination tips carefully listed step by step. This is information that women of all ages NEED to know.
She is now incorporating a new exciting system called, "
Cyndi Targosz' M.B.S. SYSTEM™ (Mind, Body, Spirit)" into all her wellness work. This method teaches you to "be the best you can be" by connecting the mind, body and spirit. Always upbeat, always positive Targosz believes in this being the approach to total health for the new millennium. Cyndi, herself, is the best exponent of this dynamic, energy-driven, vigorous way of life. A top leader in her field, Cyndi is geared into today but always has an eye on tomorrow!